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Site Modification

Please enter the password exactly as you entered it when you submitted the site (NOTE: Please do not modify your listing just for search engine optimisation purposes):

Express Review
  • $5.00 non-refundable fee.
  • The review of your site changes takes place as a priority, and is usually completed within 2 business days.
  • Your listing will appear above all standard listings in the category for a period of 1 year (Extends current express listings).

0 pending, current waiting time <1 days.

Standard Review
  • Free!
  • The review of site change requests take place on a strict date order, first come first served.
  • You changes will be reviewed as and when a reviewer has time.
  • Your listing will appear below all express listings.

4810 pending, current waiting time 4379 days.


NOTE: If you have forgotten your password then you can enter the email address used with the original submission as the password. A new password will be created and sent to you.

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