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Cheshire Garden

Cheshire Garden is a small family farm nestled in the rolling hills of western New Hampshire. We've been gardening organically for more than 30 years. We began selling preserves and vinegars at farmers' markets when we realized it was a way to turn our perishable berries into something that could be enjoyed year round. Cheshire Garden was born in 1986 when our friend Rich DiMatteo gave us a drawing of our cat, Rita, bringing strawberries in from the garden.

We grow the raspberries, strawberries, plums, blackberries, blueberries, herbs, flowers, tomatoes, peppers and garlic for our specialty foods here on the farm. We have never used agricultural chemicals and never will - instead we richen the soil with compost and natural inputs and battle the bugs with our hands and our wits rather than with pesticides.


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Date Submitted: 03-Feb-2006

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