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Scentastics - Fragrance & Perfume

For more than two decades, Scentastics Inc. has produced the highest-quality Home and Body fragrance oils in the country. Their fragrance oils, women's and men's cologne oils are the most concentrated and the essentials oils are all 100% pure and organic. There are no carrier oils or harsh chemicals added to the oils. No other fragrance company can offer this type of oil at this price!

In 2000 our company Scentastics 2 LLC was started to assist in the sales, distribution and development of new Scentastics products throughout New England. Using all-natural ingredients in our Soaps & Bath and Beauty products, no detergents or chemicals are added. We are the only company which uses their own oils to scent their products. (Other companies can't afford to use our oils to make their product, so they use cheap, low-grade oils meant to make candles and potpourri with--not the kind of oil you want to use on your body!)

Our 80 plus flavors, all-natural, incense sticks are dipped twice in Scentastics, rich oils and burn a clean, white smoke. Scentastics produces the longest burning stick in the industry--50-70 minutes each stick! Available to you in either 20 or 100 stick quantity packages for easy ordering.

Come and shop online or view our calendar and pay us a visit in person at one of our numerous craft shows or fairs throughout the New England states and see what a fragrance product line of this caliber can do for you and your friends!


Current Rating: 10.00
Number of Votes: 1
Date Submitted: 02-Feb-2006

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